Thursday, November 18, 2010

how big companies are named...interesting-9

Netscape- named by first marketing employee Greg Sands, in a panic when the Universityof Illinoisthreatened to sue the new company for its original name, Mosaic. Netscape then paid Landor $50,000 to design a logo.


Nike- named for the Greek goddess of victory.


Nikon - the original name was Nippon Kogaku, meaning "Japanese Optical".


Nissan- the company was earlier known by the name Nippon Sangyo which means "Japanese industry".


Nokia- started as a wood-pulp mill, the company expanded into producing rubber products in the Finnish city of Nokia. The company later adopted the city's name.


Nortel - The Nortel Networks name came from Nortel (Northern Telecom) and Bay Networks. The company was originally spun off from the Bell Telephone Company of Canada Ltd in 1895 as Northern Electric and Manufacturing, and traded as Northern Electric from 1914 to 1976.


Novartis- after the Latin expression "novae artes" which means something like "new skills".

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